Does it seem like your Dreams are taking forever to Achieve? Here’s why!


It’s not an Overnight Process….POINT BLANK!
I know that’s not the answer you wanted. But it’s the Truth!

Many times we compare ourselves to others without even looking at the full picture. While following some of the top leaders in our industry I noticed they all had something in common. What’s that you ask!? They put in WORK!  I’m talking 5 + YEARS OF WORK (10,000 hours +) and 9 times of 10 the experience didn’t come from their current company, but from previous work experience or even sometimes life experience. This applies for every single industry!

Understanding this is half the battle. If you’re new to your Industry then you automatically know YOU HAVE MORE WORK TO DO and be OK with that!  You gotta do what you gotta do. You have to build your mindset, your skills and your NETWORK daily! Even when you’re a seasoned professional the work does not stop!

No…It will not be easy.
Yes… You will want to quit. However, if your WHY is important enough you’ll do whatever it takes to keep going!

Check this out!


You already know what you want and now you just have to go and GET IT!
The more dedicated you are (mentally and physically) = The more you’ll accomplish Build your Success Wall, Brick by Brick!


  • Personal Development (Read Books, Watch Videos, Listen to Audio of Successful People) / Grow your Mindset
  • Education – Learn as much as you can about your Company and the Industry
  • Continuously Network with New People – It’s Network Marketing
  • Help your Team- Share your Tips, Tricks, and Motivation
  • Inspire and Help others (share your knowledge and what inspires you)
  • Follow up and Build Relationships
  • Share the Products with Passion online, via Home Party, Vendor Events, etc.
  • Stay Plugged Into company conference calls and company training events
  • Evaluate your success and Determine what works and what doesn’t and take it from there!
  • Celebrate all your success (Small and BIG)

***Feel free to post your ideas . How do you build your wall?***


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Work Hard, Play Harder!

Work Hard Play Harder

THIS IS ONLY FOR THOSE WHO WANT MAJOR SUCCESS! *if that’s not you, you might as well stop reading

In the Beginning…

Many leaders/business host meetings/opportunity calls daily. The purpose of the meeting is to gather with individuals whom may be interested in learning more about your business and potentially join/purchase products from your business. Although it seems like a bit much hosting meeting daily,  it shows that they go hard for their business. And the proof is really in the pudding because it has really paid off for them!

Opportunity Meetings

Someone I know personally, from another company, consistently hosts a opportunity meeting everyday at 7pm from her home. She invites her potentials, and other people (from her down line, also other presenters for support). During the presentation (informing guests about her business and sharing what value the business can offer them) she has her support share their story (so that guests have insight from more than one person). She also allows her support to invite any of their potential reps/customers to listen in. At the meeting she asks guests who’s ready to sign up/ purchase, on the spot!

Opportunity Calls

Another leader I know of during the beginning of his business he selected a day of the week to host opportunity calls (to introduce product or service to new potential customers). He would actually host several calls a day, every 3 to 4 hours.
After presenting the opportunity/business, he invited anyone that signs up or that is interested in signing up/purchasing to invite potentials to the very next session (which is usually on the same day). The more people you talk to, the more YES you get!

Law of Attraction

Many leaders that use different methods. One of the Top Leaders in my company,  doesn’t really reach out to anyone. She uses the Law of Attraction to attract potentials. Which is awesome if you learn it  and educate yourself on how the Law of Attraction works and Master it! Lots of books and videos available online for those who are interested. Personally I want to start studying this method.

Work Hard, Play Harder!

Remember working hard now, results in less work later! You didn’t have to do this forever, just temporary, to build your business, Strong and Wide! The key is to be able to provide as much knowledge/insight/Training as possible (Be Transparent) to your new recruits/ employees  to allow them to duplicate it.

*all the individuals I mentioned are top earners in their organization. Everything mentioned above are not requirements to succeed in this organization, just Suggestions/Observations I’ve noticed. They all worked SUPER hard to get to the top!

I’m so grateful to have such amazing Leaders in my life with my Younique makeup business!!! They provide so much free support, knowledge and trainings on a daily basis. We can’t help but to succeed, if we work our business!!! Can’t wait until we reap the all the benefits together!
Check out this Video! How to Launch a HUGE Network Marketing Business !

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