“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.”– Jim Rohn


I recognize the difference!! We all have some room in us to grow! Personal development is a essential part of growth! Reading, Listening to Audio Tapes, Attending Seminars like this one of the many ways!

Knowledge is definitely POWER! It’s something that no one can ever take from you!

THIS SUNDAY, Christina Dukes, Marcus Carter​ and I will share with you some valuable information about how we overcome our daily huddles in order to grow our lives and businesses


Register Today if you haven’t already —> 

DON’T STOP, GET IT, GET IT! – Prospecting and Recruiting!

your first year

Don’t make the mistake that results in nearly 50% of failures in our industry: building your front line for the first few months, then stopping to manage your people. Prospect prospect prospect! Recruit recruit recruit!

Lead by example.

Network Marketing is a business of distributors building their own front line and teaching their people to duplicate that process.

Be there for your down line to render moral support, coaching, and assistance in closing their prospects, but don’t try to do for them what they must do for themselves.

Support a large organization by teaching them three words. “You call me.”

Love this Book! This site has it for $1.99 🙂 (You can thank me later. lol)

Don’t Hate! CELEBRATE their success!

I love celebrating the success of others!
When you see a follow business owner who:
Grows their company
Business is Booming

Celebrate it! OUT LOUD! SHARE IT!

Every time someone I know succeeds, it lets me know:

1. Hard work pays off!
2. If they can do it, It’s possible
3. Confirmation that I can do it!
4. They will 9/10 I will have someone to celebrate my success with
5. My followers/families/friends can also see how amazing this business is!

P.S. Don’t Hate. Ask them how they did it! So you can do it too!