Out of Sight… Out of Mind

out of sight.jpg

GUESS WHAT? If I’m not posting Everyday, consistently on social media, blitzing, email blasts, making phone calls/text, etc. PEOPLE WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT ME (MY BRAND)!

Think about it!?

People do not just sit around and think about makeup all day. Lol. We do , but our potential customers and recruits don’t!

Unlessssss...We are consistently marketing to them. Its important to use / research different methods to use, in conjunction with what you’re already doing.

Creating compelling and appealing content makes all the difference.What photos and information would your followers (potential customers/recruits) want to see? What would attract them? We know makeup, but what use do they like?

HOW ARE YOU REACHING YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS AND RECRUITS? Here are some additional advertising/marketing techniques works also http://www.investopedia.com/articles/financial-theory/11/small-business-marketing-techniques.asp


Does it seem like your Dreams are taking forever to Achieve? Here’s why!


It’s not an Overnight Process….POINT BLANK!
I know that’s not the answer you wanted. But it’s the Truth!

Many times we compare ourselves to others without even looking at the full picture. While following some of the top leaders in our industry I noticed they all had something in common. What’s that you ask!? They put in WORK!  I’m talking 5 + YEARS OF WORK (10,000 hours +) and 9 times of 10 the experience didn’t come from their current company, but from previous work experience or even sometimes life experience. This applies for every single industry!

Understanding this is half the battle. If you’re new to your Industry then you automatically know YOU HAVE MORE WORK TO DO and be OK with that!  You gotta do what you gotta do. You have to build your mindset, your skills and your NETWORK daily! Even when you’re a seasoned professional the work does not stop!

No…It will not be easy.
Yes… You will want to quit. However, if your WHY is important enough you’ll do whatever it takes to keep going!

Check this out!


You already know what you want and now you just have to go and GET IT!
The more dedicated you are (mentally and physically) = The more you’ll accomplish Build your Success Wall, Brick by Brick!


  • Personal Development (Read Books, Watch Videos, Listen to Audio of Successful People) / Grow your Mindset
  • Education – Learn as much as you can about your Company and the Industry
  • Continuously Network with New People – It’s Network Marketing
  • Help your Team- Share your Tips, Tricks, and Motivation
  • Inspire and Help others (share your knowledge and what inspires you)
  • Follow up and Build Relationships
  • Share the Products with Passion online, via Home Party, Vendor Events, etc.
  • Stay Plugged Into company conference calls and company training events
  • Evaluate your success and Determine what works and what doesn’t and take it from there!
  • Celebrate all your success (Small and BIG)

***Feel free to post your ideas . How do you build your wall?***


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Friends and Family don’t Support your Business? They don’t have to! Here’s why.


-by Nia Simone Epps

I just had a RANDOM THOUGHT and I had to share it with you …

It’s ok! You’re friends and family have the right to spend “their money” where they want to spend it (and it may not be with you). Of course you share your business with them, but if they are not interested, then oh well. It’s no big deal. It’s their choice. Think about it….If we allow their actions to dictate our livelihood, we would not even be doing this. Our business would never thrive!

When starting out in Direct Sales/ Starting your own business, you will quickly learn that not all your current family and friends (warm market) will be supportive (purchase from you, join your team, etc.)  And just know this….It’s perfectly fine.

Woman with a Headache

I know… In the beginning it may get frustrated and can make you feel uninspired at times. But you will learn quickly that getting upset/ negative will get you nowhere. It will not help you or your your business. In fact, it will bring you down!

Sooooo I’m here to tell you (and tell myself) THEY DON’T HAVE TO SUPPORT YOU! Your family and friends are not entitled to support you. Yes it’s an amazing feeling to have their support , but it’s not a requirement of your success! I have been truly blessed with supportive family & friends, but that doesn’t mean that ever single family member/ friend is that way.


#1 They may not like the company
#2 They may not like the products
#3 They may just not be supportive
#4 Whatever there reason is, doesn’t even really matter



Share your business with your friends and family, with positive vibes, a open heart and a positive attitude. Strongly believe that they will support you! Because you can absolutely manifest that it happens. There are lots of people in your circle that will support you, but you must share your excitement and have an open mind. Don’t be so closed minded that you forget that there is other people out there.

Well Nia how am I supposed to find other people besides my friends and family!?

* Continue to make new friends daily (in-person and online)
* Build up your network (THIS IS “NETWORK” MARKETING)
* Surround yourself with others who have similar interests
* You will start to attract people who love your beauty business, products and will want to be apart of the opportunity
* STAY POSITIVE and remember there are 318.9 million people in the USA!


Stop letting Distractions, Distract your Business : 3 Easy Steps to Stay Focused while running a Successful Business


Keep your Eye on the Prize

If you allow yourself to be easily distracted, you can never accomplish much. Avoiding distractions is a skill which can either make or break you as a Business Owner. Our daily to-do list is endless and distractions should not be included! According to Webster a Distraction is : something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention.  After reading this I immediately told myself, “If you allow distractions to take over your mind, that means you are not trying dedicated to your business. You are now giving distractions the attention you should be giving to your business. Rule of Thumb: If it is not an income producing activity. Stop It!”

focus keyboard3 Easy Steps to Stay Focused while running a Successful Business

Pencil it in.  If you are operating a business and you want massive successful, you have to create a schedule. As an Average person your brain has over 50,000 thoughts per day. WOW that’s lot!  Without a schedule/plan you can easily be distracted, because there is just simply no way around it.

Stop what you’re doing right now…

  • Write down all your daily business activities (example Create Social Media content, Post in Team Group, Contact New Prospects, Message Team Members to check in, Create new Videos, etc.)
  • Create a schedule which includes limited blocks of time to complete each task.
  • Follow your plan throughout the day. Hold yourself accountable.
  • This will take some time to get used to it. But you can do it! This also is a great way to keep track of your daily accomplishments once the day is over.

If you’re like me (Old school) , you’ll write it down on paper. lol

But if you’re advanced and New School you can create a schedule (example below) by using a program like Google Calendar  .


Google Calendar

2. Schedule your Blog

  • Pick a day of the week to dedicate to scheduling your posts
  • Compile and save the content to your computer (verbiage, photos, link, etc.)
    • Create a Specific Folder for your Posts or you can just schedule them on the spot
  • Upload your posts (verbiage and attach photos and/or links) to your Dashboard
  • Select a date and/or Select AutoSchedule a date (Hootsuite will automatically pick the best/ optimal social media posting times)
  • This will free up so much of your time. By scheduling all your post in advance, you will not be able to complete other important tasks. Hootsuite will do all the posting for you 🙂 You just have to manage the Hootsuite dashboard to ensure that you are listening and commenting to your followers.
hootsuite my page

HootSuite Social Media Scheduling

3. Remove all noise

If you are constantly allowing outside factors to distract you, you will not get much done. Try to block out any negative people/ activities and/or time consuming people/activities (yourself included). Don’t waste time feeding into the issues/ negativity of others. Sometimes it’s best to ignore them all together

Every minute you spend involved in negativity, is a minute your took away from your business and the opportunity of producing extra income (ultimately taking money out of your pocket).

Focus on Income Producing Activities. If your daily activities involve a lot of non-income producing activities, please evaluate your time. As a business owner you must be able to focus on what really matters, and that is… Your Baby (Your Business) .

focus girl

Stay Focused

Lets K.I.S.S.

Who’s heard of the phrase?
K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Stupid.


It doesn’t mean that you’re stupid lol . It just means that when sharing a  message, you should keep it as simple as possible.

Customers & Prospects just want to know, “What will the product/ opportunity do for me?”  Don’t complicate things. No need to show how super intelligent you are lol. (which I know you are 🙂 )

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
– Albert Einstein