Out of Sight… Out of Mind

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GUESS WHAT? If I’m not posting Everyday, consistently on social media, blitzing, email blasts, making phone calls/text, etc. PEOPLE WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT ME (MY BRAND)!

Think about it!?

People do not just sit around and think about makeup all day. Lol. We do , but our potential customers and recruits don’t!

Unlessssss...We are consistently marketing to them. Its important to use / research different methods to use, in conjunction with what you’re already doing.

Creating compelling and appealing content makes all the difference.What photos and information would your followers (potential customers/recruits) want to see? What would attract them? We know makeup, but what use do they like?

HOW ARE YOU REACHING YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS AND RECRUITS? Here are some additional advertising/marketing techniques works also http://www.investopedia.com/articles/financial-theory/11/small-business-marketing-techniques.asp