Stop letting Distractions, Distract your Business : 3 Easy Steps to Stay Focused while running a Successful Business


Keep your Eye on the Prize

If you allow yourself to be easily distracted, you can never accomplish much. Avoiding distractions is a skill which can either make or break you as a Business Owner. Our daily to-do list is endless and distractions should not be included! According to Webster a Distraction is : something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention.  After reading this I immediately told myself, “If you allow distractions to take over your mind, that means you are not trying dedicated to your business. You are now giving distractions the attention you should be giving to your business. Rule of Thumb: If it is not an income producing activity. Stop It!”

focus keyboard3 Easy Steps to Stay Focused while running a Successful Business

Pencil it in.  If you are operating a business and you want massive successful, you have to create a schedule. As an Average person your brain has over 50,000 thoughts per day. WOW that’s lot!  Without a schedule/plan you can easily be distracted, because there is just simply no way around it.

Stop what you’re doing right now…

  • Write down all your daily business activities (example Create Social Media content, Post in Team Group, Contact New Prospects, Message Team Members to check in, Create new Videos, etc.)
  • Create a schedule which includes limited blocks of time to complete each task.
  • Follow your plan throughout the day. Hold yourself accountable.
  • This will take some time to get used to it. But you can do it! This also is a great way to keep track of your daily accomplishments once the day is over.

If you’re like me (Old school) , you’ll write it down on paper. lol

But if you’re advanced and New School you can create a schedule (example below) by using a program like Google Calendar  .


Google Calendar

2. Schedule your Blog

  • Pick a day of the week to dedicate to scheduling your posts
  • Compile and save the content to your computer (verbiage, photos, link, etc.)
    • Create a Specific Folder for your Posts or you can just schedule them on the spot
  • Upload your posts (verbiage and attach photos and/or links) to your Dashboard
  • Select a date and/or Select AutoSchedule a date (Hootsuite will automatically pick the best/ optimal social media posting times)
  • This will free up so much of your time. By scheduling all your post in advance, you will not be able to complete other important tasks. Hootsuite will do all the posting for you 🙂 You just have to manage the Hootsuite dashboard to ensure that you are listening and commenting to your followers.
hootsuite my page

HootSuite Social Media Scheduling

3. Remove all noise

If you are constantly allowing outside factors to distract you, you will not get much done. Try to block out any negative people/ activities and/or time consuming people/activities (yourself included). Don’t waste time feeding into the issues/ negativity of others. Sometimes it’s best to ignore them all together

Every minute you spend involved in negativity, is a minute your took away from your business and the opportunity of producing extra income (ultimately taking money out of your pocket).

Focus on Income Producing Activities. If your daily activities involve a lot of non-income producing activities, please evaluate your time. As a business owner you must be able to focus on what really matters, and that is… Your Baby (Your Business) .

focus girl

Stay Focused