
It’s DMs like this that remind me why I STARTED MY BUSINESS!

QUESTION: I love you page. I just signed up on another team and seeing all of the amazing pictures on your page (after the fact) has inspired me. Do you have any advice for a newbie.

ANSWER: Awwww That’s awesome! Feel free to use any of my pics.  🙂 My biggest advice…

#1 BE CONSISTENT when posting on social media.  I generally try to post 3 to 4 times , everyday.  


#2 TELL EVERYONE you know about the opportunity!!! Then the mascara! Always start with the opportunity.  And be excited about it! 

#3 POST PICTURES of you wearing the product. Your personal before and after,  makeup Looks, etc.  People want to see you! And if you’re not wearing / trying the products , they won’t believe you.  

lip model- what it takes

#4 CASH AND CARRY IS HUGE! Buy products, every month to have on hand. Local customers can purchase directly from you, instead of ordering online. (Make sure you always order them through your party link so you get the y cash credit, plus you’ll save on shipping) 

#5 FOLLOW THE LEADER…Listen to your Upline Leader and what has made them successful.  Then do the exact same thing. Duplication is key! (It’s ok to add your own twist to it, but do not try to reinvent the wheel) Also research/ reach out to other leaders and learn from them. ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS until you get a true understanding. It is an ongoing process.

goldfish jumping out of the water

goldfish jumping out of the water

#6 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. Learn everything you can about the products and the network marketing industry.  Attend any and every training available.  Dial into every conference call and Listen in /Watch every webinar possible. In order to succeed in this industry we must stay educated,  inspired and motivated at all times!!


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