You are what WE SEE!!!! Make sure your Brand makes a great First Impression!!!

The saying is true! You’re ” First Impression is the Last Impression! ” specifically as it relates to Business Branding. How do you want people to remember you? What does your company represent? What type of customers/recruits/employees are you trying to attract? All of these questions can be simply be answered by the way your Brand your organization.

As a professional business its essential that your brand has a company logo, promotional materials (professional photos, Flyers, business cards, company website, etc.) Otherwise potential customers/employees/recruits may not portray you as a legit business.

Think about it!? Besides Customer Service… What attracts you to do business online ? Is it their brands  appearance? The look of their packaging?  Word of mouth- Someone else told you about how fabulous they were!? Right!? 9/10 you’ve never actually spoke with the owner of the business. So your First Impression is generally based off of what the initially see online via social media. Before even hearing a word.

Did you know it takes only three to five seconds for someone to form a first impression? Make sure you make a Great First Impression!

While Branding your Business be consistent with the image You’re portraying across the board.  (color scheme, design layout, fonts, brand message, etc.)  Create an image/brand which clients and recruits can easily recognize , simply by what they see visually. 

Starting a business in the direct sales industry has simplified the branding process for me. My company, Tyra Beauty pretty much takes care of the branding. Check out my company issued website . It has branding written all over it! We Provide influencers all over the world the opportunity to start their own makeup  business, leading them to financial freedom!!! AMAZING!!

Here’s my company branded logo.

bus card back

We’re already getting rave reviews!!!!! The launch launch of the company is not until Sept 2015.

So please share??? How do you separate your brand from the rest? What makes you difference? How do people identify your brand? Comment below.

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The Struggle is Necessary! Audio Post

Nobody said it would be easy.


Check out Today’s Blog post!

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Stop Living a Social Media Lie! Audio Post

Listen In! I did it to inspire someone to never settle! Make your dreams happen. No matter what!


I decided that today was the day I STOPPED living a Social Media Lie!

What’s your Story? I encourage you to SHARE IT!!

Could it help someone else? What were some of your challenges/struggles? How did you overcome them? How did this company help or what did it allow you to do?

What are you presenting to the world via social media? What sets you apart?

How can potential customers and recruits connect with us, if they don’t know us?  SHARE IT

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