Work Hard, Play Harder!

Work Hard Play Harder

THIS IS ONLY FOR THOSE WHO WANT MAJOR SUCCESS! *if that’s not you, you might as well stop reading

In the Beginning…

Many leaders/business host meetings/opportunity calls daily. The purpose of the meeting is to gather with individuals whom may be interested in learning more about your business and potentially join/purchase products from your business. Although it seems like a bit much hosting meeting daily,  it shows that they go hard for their business. And the proof is really in the pudding because it has really paid off for them!

Opportunity Meetings

Someone I know personally, from another company, consistently hosts a opportunity meeting everyday at 7pm from her home. She invites her potentials, and other people (from her down line, also other presenters for support). During the presentation (informing guests about her business and sharing what value the business can offer them) she has her support share their story (so that guests have insight from more than one person). She also allows her support to invite any of their potential reps/customers to listen in. At the meeting she asks guests who’s ready to sign up/ purchase, on the spot!

Opportunity Calls

Another leader I know of during the beginning of his business he selected a day of the week to host opportunity calls (to introduce product or service to new potential customers). He would actually host several calls a day, every 3 to 4 hours.
After presenting the opportunity/business, he invited anyone that signs up or that is interested in signing up/purchasing to invite potentials to the very next session (which is usually on the same day). The more people you talk to, the more YES you get!

Law of Attraction

Many leaders that use different methods. One of the Top Leaders in my company,  doesn’t really reach out to anyone. She uses the Law of Attraction to attract potentials. Which is awesome if you learn it  and educate yourself on how the Law of Attraction works and Master it! Lots of books and videos available online for those who are interested. Personally I want to start studying this method.

Work Hard, Play Harder!

Remember working hard now, results in less work later! You didn’t have to do this forever, just temporary, to build your business, Strong and Wide! The key is to be able to provide as much knowledge/insight/Training as possible (Be Transparent) to your new recruits/ employees  to allow them to duplicate it.

*all the individuals I mentioned are top earners in their organization. Everything mentioned above are not requirements to succeed in this organization, just Suggestions/Observations I’ve noticed. They all worked SUPER hard to get to the top!

I’m so grateful to have such amazing Leaders in my life with my Younique makeup business!!! They provide so much free support, knowledge and trainings on a daily basis. We can’t help but to succeed, if we work our business!!! Can’t wait until we reap the all the benefits together!
Check out this Video! How to Launch a HUGE Network Marketing Business !

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Want Overnight Success? There is no such thing! 4 ways to overcome the Business Blues

don't give up

  1. Overnight Success, Doesn’t happen Overnight

Identify your failures/areas of improvement, determine how you can perfect it. Read books, listen to audio tapes, take courses, educate yourself. Every great leader has doubts and fears, however you must attack those fears! Nobody is perfect, but we can all strive to be the best us. That’s what it’s all about, Progression…

  1. Turn off the Negativity Switch

Start surrounding yourself with positive people and think positive thoughts. Remember, “Thoughts become things.” Speak over yourself! As you go throughout the entrepreneurship process, speak success into existence (as if it has already happened). Turn off the negativity switch to any negative thoughts and/or negative people.

  1. It’s a Business Drought

Be productive during your downtime. Use the opportunity to work on enhancing your brand. Think of ways to grow your business, instead of dwelling on the negative. You could just give up and throw in the towel, but you’ll never know what could have happened. The only difference between those who succeed and those who don’t, is the one’s who Succeed, never give up!

  1. Feeling Overwhelmed? Do something about it!

In order to be successful, we must be productive without losing focus. It’s essential to create a plan/ routine. If you do not determine what your plan is, you will continuously go in circles. A goal without a plan is just a wish.

BONUS VIDEO! Be Encouraged Beautiful People!

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Are you uncomfortable, Yet!? Maybe that’s why you’re not growing!


When you’re making business & life decisions, does it feel safe and comfortable everytime? Not producing the maximum results you’d like? Maybe e you’re playing it too safe! You may need to rethink your strategy. 

Think outside the box. Create a business plan which includes new processes and procedures to challenge you. By challenging yourself you’ll be able to determine what unhidden skills you have and learn all that you’re capable of.

I CHALLENGE YOU! Add new, challenging tasks/goals to your everyday routine. Stay consistent and work towards your goal (s) everyday. You’ll REACH THE TOP OF THE CHARTS in no time! Remember it only takes 21 days to form a habit.  It’s like training for a fight. If you’re a boxer you have to train your mind and body. If you stop training for a day or two, you nearly have to start over again. Then it becomes more and more difficult to get back started. That uncomfortable feeling will always return.

Many times feeling uncomfortable… nervous…Scared, etc. is a sign you’re headed in the right direction. Don’t be scurred! lol. This is the fuel you need for your Fire!  In order to get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. 

Who do you spend most of your time around? Are the Positive or Negative? Broke or Financially Stable?  Surround yourself with people who add value to your life (Those who can offer support, knowledge, motivation, etc. )and remove the negativity IMMEDIATELY!  Personally that’s what keeps me going everyday! My Support System. When I’m feeling down or READY TO QUIT they remind me why I’m doing this in the first place! Have faith, keep pushing and get UNCOMFORTABLE!!


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Change your Mindset, Change your Life!


Hey gals and gents!

You cannot. I repeat. You cannot be extremely successful in the Network Marketing or any other industry if you do not continuously educate yourself.

You cannot grow your business to a Millionaire status, with a 5 figure Mindset!

Throughout this mindset growth/education process, you will not change/grow, until you know better. Which you are unable to do, until you start reading, listening to Audio tapes, YouTube Videos, Training courses, conferences, etc. 

Jim Rohn

It doesn’t happen over night! This time last year I wouldn’t even pick up a book or pay for a conference.  I’m soooo serious. But when I was finally ready to go to the next level, I realized it was time for a change!

As soon as I picked up my first self help book, my life/business started to change immediately! Because I started feeding my brain with more knowledge and positivity,  I started to produce more positive results. 

Check out this book, one of my favorites, Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome your fears, experience success, and achieve your dreams .  This book was suggested by one of my up line leaders when I started with my organization. I was so serious about my business, that I went and ordered the book the same day!

Read and listen to it in its entirety , it will change your life/ mindset!

 PDF —> Your First Year In Network Marketing PDF

 Audio —> Your First Year in Network Marketing Audio

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

out of sight, out of mind

GUESS WHAT? If I’m not posting Everyday, consistently on social media, blitzing, email blasts, making phone calls/text, etc. PEOPLE WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT ME (MY BRAND)!

Think about it!?

People do not just sit around and think about makeup all day. Lol. We do , but our potential customers and recruits don’t!

Unlessssss...We are consistently marketing to them. Its important to use / research different methods to use, in conjunction with what you’re already doing.

Creating compelling and appealing content makes all the difference.What photos and information would your followers (potential customers/recruits) want to see? What would attract them? We know makeup, but what use do they like?

HOW ARE YOU REACHING YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS AND RECRUITS? Here are some additional advertising/marketing techniques works also

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